One of the strategies my team and I practiced was to have weekly meetings to discuss the current state of our game. In these meetings we would plan out our roadmap, work on new designs, as well as review the past week's progress and the latest round of play-testing. This worked out well for the most part but the play-testing suffered from a serious problem limiting the speed at which we could progress. Since there was only one other programmer in our team, the rest of the members would rely on myself to create a build for them to test the game every time we decided to tweak a feature.
Should we increase the maximum health of an enemy?
Is the dash in our game better if it's behaviour is more like X instead of Y?
Does the cool-down of a spell make it overpowered?
All of these questions would begin as discussions but could only be concluded once I pushed a change, built the latest version, uploaded it, and then had the team go through a round of review again. Not only was this cumbersome to me as a developer, it limited how fast and efficient we as a team could operate. Additionally, being one of two developers who could modify the game directly via the code/engine, it intrinsically limited how other team members could offer feedback. Overall, it took us more rounds of review to decide which direction a feature was headed.
This lasted until I decided to pursue an alternative where non-programmers could modify the game themselves in an intuitive way during testing. From there I began to implement the idea of an interactive debug menu accessible during run-time.
The debug menu
This idea is far from original, but there is a reason why a vast majority of games during development utilize some form of a debug-mode or console. It simply allows a team to modify the game during run-time without having to change the code and make a build. Imagine if every time you as a player wanted to update the settings in a game (such as quality, controls, etc) you would have to modify a .txt file and restart the game. While not a exact 1-to-1 parallel, the idea is more or less the same for playtesters and developers. What I ended up creating for my team was a debug UI in our game that allowed us to modify properties and behaviours of the game while playing it, as well as saving these configurations to share.
This became an extremely powerful tool for our team during play-testing where each member could precisely tweak the game to what they believed was the best experience. During our meetings we would then review others configurations which offered a better perspective into their feedback. It allowed us to understand our new and existing features as well as their impacts on the game constantly.
NOTE: There is a ton of different ways this could be accomplished and by no means is my approach the best. At the time it worked well for my team and I but the purpose of this article is more to show how easy it can be added to quickly benefit a small team. In the "Afterword" section I touch on this a bit more.
The concept behind the debug menu is actually very simple. Using an UI input control (Text, Number, Dropdown, Slider etc), create an OnChange
event to sync the UI value of the control to your choice of any Monobehaviour's serializable property. In an oversimplified way this is similar to how the inspector allows you to update a script's variable at run-time. Luckily Unity comes out of the box with these UI input field components so most of the work is just writing some simple code to perform the syncing.
Syncing a variable was done with the following abstract script utilizing C#'s reflection framework to allow for dynamic property fetching and setting.
/// <summary>
/// Models a settings control
/// </summary>
public abstract class SettingsControl : MonoBehaviour {
// The script we are targetting
public MonoBehaviour script;
// the parameter on the script we are targetting
private string parameter;
// if this parameter requires a soft game reload
public bool RequiresRestart;
// Overrides the label we display on the UI
public string CustomLabel;
// the initial value of the script's parameter
protected object initial;
private FieldInfo field;
private PropertyInfo property;
void Awake() {
parameter =;
// set the UI label
Text text = transform.Find("label").GetComponent<Text>();
text.text = CustomLabel == "" ? parameter : CustomLabel;
if (RequiresRestart)
text.text = text.text + "**";
protected virtual void Start() {
try {
this.field = getField(); = getProperty();
this.initial = this.field != null ? this.field.GetValue(script) :;
} catch (Exception e) {
Debug.Log(String.Format("Problem with setting control: {0}.{1}", script.GetType(), parameter));
/// <summary>
/// Syncs the UI value to the script's property
/// </summary>
/// <param name="val"></param>
protected virtual void Sync(object val) {
//find the type
Type type = field != null ? field.FieldType : property.PropertyType;
// Convert.ChangeType does not handle conversion to nullable types
// if the property type is nullable, we need to get the underlying type of the property
var targetType = IsNullableType(type) ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type) : type;
// Returns an System.Object with the specified System.Type and whose value is
// equivalent to the specified object.
val = Convert.ChangeType(val, targetType);
if (field != null)
field.SetValue(this.script, val);
else {;
property.SetValue(this.script, val);
/// <summary>
/// checks if nullable for property reflection
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static bool IsNullableType(Type type) {
return type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable<>));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the value from this UI control
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
protected abstract string GetValue();
/// <summary>
/// Uses reflection to get script field
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
protected FieldInfo getField() {
Type type = script.GetType();
return type.GetField(parameter);
/// <summary>
/// Uses reflection to get script property
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
protected PropertyInfo getProperty() {
Type type = script.GetType();
return type.GetProperty(parameter);
From there we create input specific implementations:
/// <summary>
/// Models a textbox that allows for string settings
/// </summary>
public class SettingsTextBox : SettingsControl {
public TMP_InputField inputField;
public int DecimalPlaces = 2;
protected override void Start() {
// sync on input
inputField.onValueChanged.AddListener(val => {
protected override string GetValue() {
return inputField.text;
/// <summary>
/// Control to sync boolean properties with a checkbox
/// </summary>
public class SettingsCheckbox : SettingsControl {
Toggle toggle;
protected override void Start() {
// sync on toggle
toggle.onValueChanged.AddListener(val => {
protected override void Sync(object val) {
toggle.isOn = val.GetType() == typeof(string) ? bool.Parse((string) val) : ((bool) val);
protected override string GetValue() {
return toggle.isOn.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Control to sync a number (int or decimal) to a slider component
/// </summary>
public class SettingsSlider : SettingsControl {
public Slider slider;
public Text textvalue;
public int DecimalPlaces = 2;
protected override void Start() {
// sync on slide
slider.onValueChanged.AddListener(val => {
protected override void Sync(object val) {
// slider precision
if (slider.wholeNumbers) {
int vall = Convert.ToInt32(val);
slider.value = vall;
textvalue.text = vall.ToString();
} else {
float vall = val.GetType() == typeof(string) ? float.Parse((string) val) : ((float) val);
slider.value = vall;
textvalue.text = Math.Round(vall, DecimalPlaces).ToString();
protected override string GetValue() {
return slider.value.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Setting controls for Enums, values are matched to the order not the value
/// </summary>
public class SettingsDropdown : SettingsControl {
TMP_Dropdown dropdown;
protected override void Start() {
// sync on select
dropdown.onValueChanged.AddListener(val => {
protected virtual void setOptions() {
Type enumType = initial.GetType();
dropdown.options = Enum.GetNames(enumType).Select(name => new TMP_Dropdown.OptionData(name)).ToList();
protected override void Sync(object val) {
var enumValue = Enum.Parse(initial.GetType(), val.ToString());
dropdown.value = (int) enumValue;
protected override string GetValue() {
return dropdown.value.ToString();
One niche approach I did for my sake was that I used the prefab's gameobject name
property to be the name of the property I want to sync with on the Monobehaviour provided in script
. This worked in my use-case as I originally was naming my gameobjects their corresponding properties anyways for better readability. Another feature I added was creating a Unity menu action item to sync my gameobject's names to the UI text label, another time saver specific to my use-case because I hate writing things twice. In hindsight this probably could have been done automatically when updating the gameobject's name in the editor.
/// <summary>
/// Syncs settings label in editor
/// Just nice because it syncs during runtime, but can be confusing when editing
/// </summary>
[MenuItem("BeatBash/Sync Settings Labels")]
static void SyncSettingsLabel() {
SettingsControl[] settings = Camera.main.GetComponentsInChildren<SettingsControl>();
foreach (SettingsControl control in settings) {
Transform label = control.transform.Find("label");
string labelText = control.CustomLabel != "" ? control.CustomLabel :;
Text text = label.GetComponent<Text>();
text.text = labelText;
The first iteration of my debug menu didn't have any persistence, which meant that all of the settings that play testers changed, would be lost upon game reset. Obviously this makes the usability of this framework pretty terrible and kind of defeats the purpose of overall trying to improve our process.
To really make this useful I implemented saving/loading such that all of the game settings could be persisted to a .json
settings file on the testers local machine. This could then easily be shared on our discord server and loaded for others to try out.
An example settings file would look like this:
"settings": [
"Key": "LevelManager (LevelManager):Seed",
"Value": ""
"Key": "LevelManager (LevelManager):Gridsize",
"Value": "10"
"Key": "LevelManager (LevelManager):TotalRooms",
"Value": "15"
This was similarly built to a lot of save systems out there that utilize json serialization to convert a C# class into a json file and vice versa. In our case the only thing we need to persist was the value of our SettingsControl
scripts. I introduced the concept of a SettingsModule
which was a singleton to collect all SettingControl's
for serialization/deserialization. From there it was as simple as creating a list of key-value-pairs such that the unique key was formed via SCRIPT_NAME:PARAMETER
format and the value was fetched using an override GetValue
method to allow controls to fetch their UI input fields deserialized value. From there we can create a GameSettings
class to be our main orchestrator for the saving/loading. We then have a GameSettingsRaw
class to hold all of the settings for serialization since I always prefer to do this over storing raw lists/dictionary data for scalability.
NOTE: I used JSON serialization instead of the more efficient binary serialization. I preferred the human readable nature of json and the performance was not an important factor for this.
public class GameSettings : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject Settings;
private SettingsModule[] settings;
private string SettingsFilePathDirectory {
get {
return Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Settings";
private string SettingsFilePath {
get {
return SettingsFilePathDirectory + "/settings.json";
void Awake() {
settings = GetComponentsInChildren<SettingsModule>();
void Start() {
// init director if not exists
if (!Directory.Exists(SettingsFilePathDirectory)) {
/// <summary>
/// Saves current settings to disk
/// </summary>
public void Save() {
Dictionary<string, string> data = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (var module in settings)
// write to file
string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(new GameSettingsRaw(data), prettyPrint : true);
File.WriteAllText(SettingsFilePath, json);
/// <summary>
/// Loads a settings file to disk
/// </summary>
public void Load() {
// loads the file if it exists
if (File.Exists(SettingsFilePath))
/// <summary>
/// deletes current cached save
/// </summary>
public void ResetToDefault() {
/// <summary>
/// Loads initial settings
/// </summary>
public void Reset(bool useDefaults = false) {
// load initial
var currentSettings = getCurrentSettingsFile();
if (useDefaults)
currentSettings = null;
foreach (var module in settings) {
/// <summary>
/// Gets the currentSettings file if it exists
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private Dictionary<string, string> getCurrentSettingsFile() {
if (File.Exists(SettingsFilePath)) {
GameSettingsRaw raw = JsonUtility.FromJson<GameSettingsRaw>(File.ReadAllText(SettingsFilePath));
if (raw != null) return raw.GetSettings();
return null;
public class SettingsModule : MonoBehaviour {
SettingsControl[] Controls;
void Awake() {
Controls = GetComponentsInChildren<SettingsControl>();
/// <summary>
/// Loads the data
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data"></param>
public void Load(Dictionary<string, string> data) {
if (Controls != null)
foreach (var control in Controls)
/// <summary>
/// Saves the data and returns a dictionary of keyvalues
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public Dictionary<string, string> Save() {
Dictionary<string, string> data = new Dictionary<string, string>();
if (Controls != null)
foreach (var control in Controls) {
return data;
public class GameSettingsRaw {
public List<GameSettingsKVP> settings = new List<GameSettingsKVP>();
public GameSettingsRaw(Dictionary<string, string> settings) {
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in settings) {
this.settings.Add(new GameSettingsKVP { Key = kvp.Key, Value = kvp.Value });
// converts this to settings
public Dictionary<string, string> GetSettings() {
Dictionary<string, string> data = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (GameSettingsKVP kvp in settings) {
data.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
return data;
public class GameSettingsKVP {
public string Key;
public string Value;
With these, all the necessary implementation for our setting's lightweight persistence was complete.
The simplicity of this menu allows you as the programmer to decide what should be modifiable, as well as what exactly a setting is defined as.
In the simple case, think of the max HP of your player. We would simply have a number input field that updates your MaxHP
variable. This idea though could be extended to more complicated concepts such as having a setting that modifies the entire behaviour of a mechanic in your game. Say you were building a fighting game with an ultimate meter mechanic and wanted to decide which of the following was more fun:
- Upon a successful combo, the ultimate meter would increase.
- Or upon taking damage, your ultimate meter would slowly increase.
The way this could be accomplished in the context of our settings menu, is to simply have an Enum
property that could decide between option 1 or 2.
public enum UltimateMeterType {
public UltimateMeterType ultimateMeterType;
public TakeDamage(int damage) {
if (ultimateMeterType == UltimateMeterType.DamageTaken) {
// update meter
public Attack() {
if (comboCompleted && ultimateMeterType == UltimateMeterType.SuccessCombo) {
// update meter
Spending the efforts to streamline this process proved to our team how fast development can be while still allowing everyone to provide their own meaningful individual feedback. Building a persistent debug menu helped my team and I quickly bring a feature from concept to polish. It also provided us quicker feedback for scraping a feature so that we could move on to newer and better ideas.
I first created the debug settings framework for my team about 2 years ago and reflecting back I think if I were to have another crack at it, I would attempt to make a solution entirely driven with code. Not only do I hate every second working with Unity's UI framework, but if you've ever read my previous articles you'll know how much I enjoy solving problems programmatically.
Using C# attributes I think it would be entirely possible to create a solution that would be able to dynamically fetch settings from any scripts and generate the UI at run-time. Of course this loses some granularity of control over the UI, but the developer experience would probably make this worth it. Maybe one of these days I'll do a v2 of this idea.
Code can be found here on my GitHub.